Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Dungeons, Dragons and Dice rolling

Last weekend I got together with a bunch of mates for our biannual game of D&D.

We are that old, and have been playing that long, that we still use 2nd Edition rules.

We have experienced players and players who, despite having played for around 20 years, still call themselves novices.

Over the years the snacks have reduced in quantity as the waistlines have increased (strangely I though the converse would be true) and we drink more tea and coffee these days than beer.

But was still love the game. it's always great fun.

We managed to not have any deaths amongst the characters this time around, although we did come very close a couple of times and we did progress quite well, or so we think, the DM may have a different opinion.

Looking forward to the next session.

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