Monday, 27 December 2021


So, a few months ago I cancelled my NOW subscription and started one for Disney+.

I've been enjoying the MCU movies and from what I'd seen, read or heard it looked like the TV shows that Disney+ was producing were quite good. 

I really enjoyed most of the Netflix efforts from a few yers ago so I know what is possible.

I must say that I've not been disappointed. 

In order of viewing I went for 

  1. Falcon and Winter Soldier 
  2. WandaVision
  3. What if
  4. Hawkeye 
  5. Loki


Where to start, some were very clever (WandaVision and Loki), some had a lot of heart (Hawkeye and strangely Loki) and some where just enjoyable as they developed some of the lead characters (Falcon and Winter Soldier) or introduced new ones (Loki, WandaVision, Hawkeye and to a lesser degree Falcon and Winter Soldier).

As a long time reader of Marvel comics I guess I picked up things that people who just follow the movies will be unaware of, but I'd be surprised if that in anyway lessened their enjoyment.

and What If was fabulous too.

I'm not a big Star Wars fan but I've dipped into some of those too and enjoyed the Mandalorian  (first season more than the second). I'll check out the Boba Fett series when it lands. 

Well worth my money. 

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