Jason Thibault, over at JasonThibault.com has mapped US and UK publishers and AccentUK appear on the list...
Really great to be acknowledged in this way.
In other news, the Kickstarter is coming along very nicely, now almost 200% of target.
I'm your typical 20th Century bloke living in the 21st Century and wondering what's going on. I like to live in a world where there are still questions to be answered and mysterious happennings. My ideal magazine would be the result of combining Fortean Times with New Scientist ... and leaving it to the reader to interpret.
I work against IT during the day, and at night I try to steal moments to create comic books. Either as writer, artist or both. I've formed a small independent comic company in the UK, Accent UK, with Colin Mathieson, which produces quite well received annual themed anthologies, but is also now producing one shots. Comics that I've co-created and written include ''The Wolfmen'',''The Fall Of The Wolfmen'', with art by Andy Bloor and the 2009 EAGLE Award winning ''Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man?'' which was illustrated by Marleen Lowe. My own little doodlings appear in webcomic called ''Strange Times'' and the yearly anthologies.
Great read, thank you.