Saturday, 26 December 2015

Strange Times Book 2 is ready for the printers.

Well, after a lot longer than I'd hoped, due mostly to me getting carried away with having too many projects on the go at the same time, Strange Times Book 2 is finished.
Andy Bloor has once again worked his design magic and also done a lot of tidying, despite me best efforts I always seem to leave dots here and there or pages with different sizes ... sigh.
I'm not sure when it'll actually see print, I'll need to get the necessary cash together, but it will be sometime in 2016.
It'll be great to have another of my little books on the Con table.


  1. Woohoo!!!
    I have money earmarked for that specific order for sooo long now :-)
    Sincerely hope I am not the only one.
    Anyone else out there who enlarged all the posted con pics and searched for a stealth release? *g*

  2. Ha thanks ... It continues to sell well at Cons, I think as most people don't realise it's book 1 of 2 :o!
    I hope it feels like it was worth the wait when you finally get a copy in your hands :o)
