This weekend Time Bomb Comics will be at the MCM event in the Excel Centre, London.
Do pop over and say 'Hi!' if you're at the Con, we have our usual booth.
This weekend Time Bomb Comics will be at the MCM event in the Excel Centre, London.
Do pop over and say 'Hi!' if you're at the Con, we have our usual booth.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
Popped into town yesterday and saw this...
I also saw some copies of Spectrum 2, and so moved a few copies of Quantum next to them...Quantum and Spectrum, a busy weekend for Time Bomb Comics.Yep, this weekend Issue 4 of our Quantum anthology hits the High Streets.
Under a Death & Taxes cover by David Morris as a little nod to Halloween.
This issue features the final part of our WesterNoir : Moon Cursed story.Bristol Comic Con wasn't what it used to be, back at its peak in the early 2000s (I think), but it was a nice intimate event where people were happy to talk, whether professional, indie creator or customer.
In order to be noticed we decided to get a new Q banner, designed by my go-to designer Andy Bloor.
Very pleased with it and it certainly did the job...I managed to take this photo with only Steve's hand blocking it a bit.I'm always a little worried when meeting my heroes, worrying that I might not like the person behind the work.
Not the case with Alan Davis.
We had a great time at the Con meeting Quantum customers and people who liked our earlier works but spending the night chatting about all sorts with Alan Davis is something I'll always treasure.
This weekend I allowed myself to buy a page of his artwork as well.
A nice 1 day event, and I hope it's not the last one.
Was great fun.
It's a long drive up to Scotland from where I live but we made it a road trip as I picked up Steve Tanner on the way.
Arrived on Friday afternoon to set up early, parking and access to the SECC was as easy, and friendly, as always. We really enjoy the friendly nature of all the staff at this event.
Two days flew past as we met old friends, new friends, old customers, new customers and strange people wearing strange outfits.
Some of them even stopped by to look at what we were trying to sell...