Saturday 5 October 2024

LICAF - comics in the Lakes

Last weekend we attended the Lakes International Comics Art Festival, attracted to the event particularly by the pre-event day where we could meet foreign publishers, tell them about our books and see if there was any interest / appetite for them to consider any for printing by them in their language.

We did get some interest, and I've sent out pdfs to those who requested them. We'll see if anything happens, either way it was an interesting day and as they say 'Nothing ventured nothing gained.'

The event was held in a marquee, and it was pretty solid and sturdy. No wind or rain entered and whilst not too windy, there was plenty of rain over the weekend.

and we were only. stones throw from Windermere

The town and venue were perfect, and it must be said that the town really got behind the event.

Both Saturday and Sunday had decent sales, and allowed us to chat to customers and fellow comic creators alike. It was nice to meet Tony who wrote such a great review of Whatever happened To The Fastest Man? and picked up the WesterNoir trades.

I even found time to get some nice sketches, something I've not done for years, remembering how nice it was to chat with other people in the queues (get catching top with Karl from Diamond and 'that guy who collect Shadow sketches / artwork'). I even got time to buy an original page of art, Judges Dredd and Anderson) from John McRae (which is great).

I stayed over on the Sunday as it's a long drive home and the difference to how busy the town felt was noticeable. 

I really had a great time and look forward to doing it again next year. 

A really well thought out, organised and run event. 

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