Monday 16 April 2018

It's a TimeQuake!

A new Steampunk event in Manchester?
Are we interested in having a table?
Hell yes.
Are we interested in doing something a little more involved than just putting comics on a table?
Errr... yeah... let us have a think.
It's one of the things we love about the Steampunk events. It's not just us turn up with boxes of comics, put them on the table and try to sell them. It's us turn up dressed as Steampunk characters and attempt to display our comics in new and interesting ways. And then try to sell them.
We've tried a few things before but this time (mostly due to Colins efforts) we went the extra mile.
We got lucky with the positioning of the wood panelling but the rest of it we brought ourselves.
I must say I thought it would look cool, but it looked fabulous.
We used the event to also plug our new comic, to be launched at Asylum X, called Enter The Asylum. It will feature comic stories about the characters that you'll see if you wander around the Lincoln event in August and will be our first attempt at Kickstarter in May.
We had lots of interest in the chair...
and got to meet a lot of interesting characters, some we wanted to chat to...
and some we didn't...
This event was unlike any other we've been to, in that it had the general Steampunk people wandering around with jet pack and googles but also Western and Post Apocalyptic Steampunk. There were all manner of contraptions on display and to be honest it would have been an interesting day for anyone, not just people into steam. It even had Dr Who characters and authors.
The funniest moment was when someone turned up and spotted themselves in our advertising picture, art by the talented Gary Crutchley.
Turns out this is just one of many costumes he wears, all of which are fabulous.
..and not surprising from a man who is obviously a creative wizard.
It was a long weekend but very enjoyable and successful.
Colin even took some time out at the end to try the chair himself...
... I think it, and the rug, might become a feature in his lounge.

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