Sunday, 17 November 2013

The honesty in a child's artwork.

In my day job I sit opposite a lady called Claire Smith. I can't say that I ever really noticed the way her ears stick out a little at the top until she showed me the drawing her four year old daughter. Olivia, did of her mum.
It always amazes me how a child's eye just naturally picks out things like that. Maybe I should have kept my thoughts to myself, but I did share them with Claire, and this resulted in her getting Olivia to do one of me, from photos on this very blog.
The result is really great, and I love the fact that she's signing her work (she just needs to put the date on for posterity).
She even captured my sideburns.
Great work Olivia, and Thanks !


  1. Hi Dave, message from Olivia: Thank you for liking my picture but where are the red pen bits?! She is delighted :-)

  2. Hey that's not bad at all Dave, Olivia obviously caught you on a good day though!

  3. Ha! Yep, one of my better photos. And apologies Olivia, I'll see about getting the colour version up here sometime.
