Friday, 29 March 2013

Lego WesterNoir 2 and some reviews.

As is tradiotional now, here's the Lego figure to accompany the latest Accent UK book.Also this week we've had two great reviews of the book appearing on the web. First we had and then
Both are great reviews which really helps motivate us to complete Issue 3, which is progressing very nicely indeed thanks mostly to the effort Gary is putting into it. You can see page samples and more over on Gary's blog.
And ... if you're in Dundee this weekend then pop over to the Accent UK table at the Dundee Comics Expo and say 'Hello', you can have a look at WesterNoir first hand while you're there, as well the rest of our books. You'll find more details over on Colin's blog.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Robots Assemble.

I've been meaning to get around to this for a while now. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for robots, I collect all sorts of robot related bits and bobs, make my own out of collected bits and bobs that before then had nothing to do with robots, produce comic books with robots in them and, and this is where it becomes relevant, I used to collect robot sketches and commissions from comic book artists.
A few years ago I ran a website that let people see all of these pieces of art but then it all got a bit too much and running the extra website took too much time. It had to go and soit did. And I've always regretted it.
Then came blogs, so simple to maintain and so nice to look at.
And so RobotsAssemble is back.
As a blog.
As frequently as I can I'll post an image up there, and a little bit about my memories of the robot in question. Yes, I know that they're not real, I was meaning more about when I first came across it on screen, comic page or hidden between the covers of a book.
The first page has been posted...

Sunday, 3 March 2013

London Super Comic Con and Australian Pink Floyd.

It's been a busy couple of weeks.
We went to our first Comic Convention of the year over the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of Feb. You can read Chris Dingsdale's full report over on, some of which is true. We had a really great weekend, and it was amazing to see so many Comic Book legends working their tables.
I did have a few words with Bill Sienkiewicz, who has always been a favourite artist of mine, got him to sign my Elktra Assassin hard cover, bought his sketchbook and left him a copy of Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man ?, not that I expect him to get time to read it but it seemed to be the right thing to do, small thanks for him inspiring me to get involved in comics to start with.
We had a great Con, chatted to a good number of customers, new and old, got lots of words of encouragement on our future books and sold plenty.
This week I went to another concert. This one was The Australian Pink Floyd and they were suprisingly good. I never got to see the real thing, despite the first record I ever bought being Dark Side Of The Moon (which is still one of my favourites), but these guys made it seem less of a failing on my part. They were excellent and the first half of the gig was the entire Dark Side Of The Moon ..
Now to get back to business ... WesterNoir Issues 3 and 4 and finishing off Strange Times Book 2.