Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy New Year everyone...
Hope to see plenty of you at Conventions and the like in 2012, and that all the creators out there continue in their efforts, improving and growing with everything you produce.
All the best,
Dave W
Belmat... as far as I got in 2011.
Belmat with head attached.
Belmat with rusting effect brown wash.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Must see film of next year.
Hell, I was getting really excited by the prospect of The Avengers movie but I think this will be even better.
Accent UK in 2012.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Robot table display ... with a little paint.
Getting there.
Oh .. and here's one I started earlier....
Table Robot... update.
With the flash on the camera you can see the tin (from a used tin of soup) that I cut in half for the washing machine drum. Ah ... details details :o)
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Table Robot.
So far I'm at the stage of cutting and taping, tomorrow it's time to glue and paper mache.
Favourite mainstream comic of the year.
Damn... I'll have to pick up some Trades of his X-Men comics now ... and I thought my days of reading X-Men was over.
Favourite movie of the year...
I had the same feeling at the end of this that I had with last year's Star Trek re-imagining. They had done the franchise proud and I hope that this will be the first of a number of sequels that would take the story further.
Jemma's favourites (she couldn't choose between them) were Thor and X-Men : First Class. Both very enjoyable films.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Hey ... that's not the Blue Beetle !!!
So I took the Blue Beetle figurine... add some Milliput, a few bits and bobs and some paint and converted him into The Mite-E.The Mite-E is a character who appears in a few stories in Robot Shortsit's great that he has his own figurine :o)
Sadly though he's pretty small and so won't make much of an impression stood on the stall next to some comic books... so it's back to plan A, which is to make a papermache robot or two ...
Monday, 26 December 2011
Books I read in 2011.
The best piece of advice I wass given (thanks Jon Ayre) was to make something of the journey. Make it something of value rather than something to be despised, and so I bought myself a Kindle and everyday get to spend around an hour and a half reading.
So, what have I read this year ?
Well I read all of the Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher, Storm Front, Fool Moon, Grave Peril, Summer Knight, Death Masks, Blood Rites, Dead Beat, Proven Guilty, White Night, Small Favour, Turn Coat, Changes and Ghost Story. I really enjoyed them. Great characters in a great setting, with each book building on the last and all written in a flowing style that make them more than just some good ideas stitched together. I loved the short lived TV series and the books are so much better. Nothing too deep, just good enjoyable stories about wizards, demons and stuff.
I then read the 7 Dark Tower books by Stephen King ( I loved the concept and the books are all good solid reads, but I must confess to being one of those who didn't particularly like the ending. Well worth the journey though.
I also downloaded all of the John Carter of Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, but sadly only managed to grind my way through three of them, A Princess of Mars, The Gods Of Mars and The Warlord Of Mars, despite loving them as a boy. A wonderful idea in a very rich world but the writing was a little too... well... plodding to me.
Much better written was Red Sonya - the Shadow Of The Vulture from Robert E Howard and his Conan The Barbarian (so much material and they make three rubbish movies as the people involved think that they can do better).
The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacipalgupi was downloaded on a recommendation from someone at work and it was a great little book. I'll be looking out for future books from Paolo.
I also re-read an old favoutite of mine, Caves Of Steel from Isaac Asimov. This one also seemed a little dated and whilst the story and ideas are second to very few writers, his writing style didn't flow very well for me.
At the moment I'm in the middle (I think) of the fabulous House Of Chains by Steven Erikson. This is Book 4, I think, of his fantasy epic, starting with Gardens Of The Moon, Deadhouse Gates and then Midnight Tides. It's got to be the most involved and compelling fantasy series that I've ever read and has me completely hooked. It's very well written and operates on a number of levels, mixing the normal sword and sorcery with war and politics on a global scale. If you want just one recommendation from me then these are the books that I suggest you spend your money on.
and lastly ... for now ... Lego Robot Shorts...
Friday, 23 December 2011
Fastest Man review from Brazil...
Wolfmen 2 ... a la Lego
... if you look closely you can see he's wearing a different shirt :o)
Next up ... PREDATORS over on the Accent UK blog.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
World's Fastest Man mentioned...
Bobby Doyle from Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man?
.. looking happy, so it must be before all the trouble started.
Next up will be The Man Of Glass over on the Accent UK blog.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Lego does Samuel Close.
Samuel Close's hair was part of a Mad Scientist figure and the conversion took the slightest of modifications.
Next up ... Bobby Doyle from Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man?
Friday, 16 December 2011
The Wolfmen ... in Lego
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Wolfmen Reviews.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
WesterNoir ... a great start.
Over the following months I produced a script for him that introduces Josiah Black to a world that changes around him, or maybe he changes within it. But I'm getting ahead of myself as that dimension is something that was brought to the story by Gary Crutchley.
Andy, you see, whilst helping shape the story, just couldn't found the time to illustrate it and contacted Gary to see if he could. Gary is two thirds of his way through his own Western, Hard Country, and is a huge fan of the genre and someone who can really capture the mood of both the time in which it's set and the land itself.
The great news is that Gary read the script and jumped into designing the main characters.
We were off and ... riding.
Last Friday night Colin and I met with Gary at The Bleeding Wolf pub, and you can't get much more appropriate than that, to discuss the project and to see Gary's work to date. Andy sadly couldn't make it as he's suffering from a bug, the joy of having kids are pre-school.
Blimey. We were both blown away by the pages Gary talked us through, as well as his ideas about issue 1 and future issues. All great ideas which I have already added to the greater story of Josiah Black.
We are hoping for Issue 1 to be available early next year, with following issues less than a year apart.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Wolfmen Reviews.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Robot Shorts nears completion.
With the printing of Strange Times vol 1 in the form of a nice little hard cover edition I knew that this format would suite me going forward and have paused in my Strange Times Vol 2 efforts to collaborate with Steve Holder on a collection of robot short stories.
Robot Shorts is the result of this, with one of Steve's robots gracing a cover designed by Andy Bloor in the style of the old Haines Manuals.
I'm just waiting on a couple of pin-ups for the Gallery section and then it'll be off to the printer.
Right ... back to Strange Times then...
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Robot Shorts is getting there ...
So, we're getting there. My intention is to have this printed in time for Xmas ... Strange Times is at this very moment getting its second printing, which is great, but of course it's all relative as it only means that I've sold out of the number I printed in the first print run ... could be 10 .. could be 10 thousand but is probably somewhere between the two :o)
Monday, 29 August 2011
What has happened to Strange Times ?
It has been many weeks since my last posting.
I've been very busy throughout this time, progressing Robot Shorts and ZOMBIES 2, and have had little time to spare for Strange Times, either the blog or the weekly web-comic. I've also been busy sorting out the second printing of the Strange Times hard cover edition.
I confess that I have taken advantage of the Accent UK website re-construction, which prevented me from putting up new Strange Times pages, and promise that once the new site is up, and we've sorted out how to get Strange Times back on there, I will get back to the weekly schedule.
Apologies to those who read this strange little tale.
On a more positive note, PREDATORS is now out and should be in comic shops soon, if you asked them to get you a copy, and I do have a few pages of work in that one. I'm particularly pleased with the two one pagers ...
Friday, 15 July 2011
Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man ?
Yep, through a new independent comics app available through iTunes you can now download Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man?
The Lush Comics app for the iPad can be found by either browsing, which will redirect you to the app, or by just searching for "Lush Comics" in the iTunes App Store. The iPad version is "Lush Comics HD" as opposed to the iPhone version, simply called "Lush Comics". Justin, who created the app etc, is a keen supporter of Independent Comics and created this app as he saw a gap in the market and wanted to allow us to have a presence in the digital world that didn't find us hidden amongst the countless X-Men titles.
It'd be great to see more UK comics up on iTunes, if you would like me to connect you with Justin then let me know.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Who Is Dave West?
…maybe I should have kept all of this quiet until I’d passed my 6 month probation period…
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Where did all the birds go?
Something was missing.
And then it hit me as I looked up at the buildings. The netting to keep the birds away from store windows and ledges, where they used to amass in their hundreds, was gone.
The birds themselves, were gone.
And then I started to take more interest in their numbers in the garden and their numbers, and variation has really changed. All the Sparrows have disappeared, and the Starlings and other birds were present in much smaller numbers. Is this another effect of Global Warming somewhere along the line hitting them, or their food source ? Will they ever return to their previous numbers ?
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Leaving New York's never easy.
One of my main aims whilst there was to sort out an outlet for electronic versions of the AccentUK books. I've got an iPAD now, (yes ... I know ... it'll probably only give me 2 to 3 years of pleasure), and want to see our books in that format. I spoke to a very helpful guy called Frank Reynoso who had a contact for me. I also spoke to Justin Mound who is setting up a Comixology set of apps for Independent Comics. It's early days for Justin but what he does offer is an electronic store that doesn't get swamped with 30 X-Men titles every month. Following a few follow up chats with people we've decided to use Lush.