Saturday 5 October 2024

WesterNoir TPB 3 and Moon Cursed

These are now being printed and I'll hopefully have them in a week or so and be able to start mailing out to the Kickstarter backers.

It'll also mean that we have something new at Thought Bubble, which will be good as last year all we had that was new were the Quantum issues.

Can't wait to get these in my hands.

MCM - we won't be there this weekend.

We've decided not to attend the MCM event this weekend, it's just become too expensive. We struggle to make enough cash to pay for the booth and when you look back at the event and realise you've worked hard for 3 days and walk away with very little it just doesn't seem worth it..

We'll see if we can get into Artist Alley next year but if we can't then it's unlikely that we'll be going back, which his a real shame as we do enjoy the event.

LICAF - comics in the Lakes

Last weekend we attended the Lakes International Comics Art Festival, attracted to the event particularly by the pre-event day where we could meet foreign publishers, tell them about our books and see if there was any interest / appetite for them to consider any for printing by them in their language.

We did get some interest, and I've sent out pdfs to those who requested them. We'll see if anything happens, either way it was an interesting day and as they say 'Nothing ventured nothing gained.'

The event was held in a marquee, and it was pretty solid and sturdy. No wind or rain entered and whilst not too windy, there was plenty of rain over the weekend.

and we were only. stones throw from Windermere

The town and venue were perfect, and it must be said that the town really got behind the event.

Both Saturday and Sunday had decent sales, and allowed us to chat to customers and fellow comic creators alike. It was nice to meet Tony who wrote such a great review of Whatever happened To The Fastest Man? and picked up the WesterNoir trades.

I even found time to get some nice sketches, something I've not done for years, remembering how nice it was to chat with other people in the queues (get catching top with Karl from Diamond and 'that guy who collect Shadow sketches / artwork'). I even got time to buy an original page of art, Judges Dredd and Anderson) from John McRae (which is great).

I stayed over on the Sunday as it's a long drive home and the difference to how busy the town felt was noticeable. 

I really had a great time and look forward to doing it again next year. 

A really well thought out, organised and run event. 

Sunday 15 September 2024

Lakes International Comic Arts Festival

We will be attending this event from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th September.

Colin and I attended the first as Accent UK way back in 2018 I think it was. 

We are looking to take advantage of the opportunity to show our books to foreign publishers to see if there's any interest in producing foreign language versions. 

We've produced a special catalog for the event, designed as always by Andy Bloor.

Yes, we're trying to look all professional :o)

WesterNoir TPB3 and Moon Cursed will be off the printer this week.

After a successful, if a little stressful, Kickstarter campaign I can report that the books have now been completed, with all the little extra design-y bits and pieces by Andy Bloor, and will be off the printer this week.

I can't wait to get these books printed and on the table at conventions.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

The painted Cassidy McRae

Our 3D printed figures are pretty good. The detail is really sharp and I've been painting one for the table display at Conventions.

Quite pleased with how she's come out.

The face in particular came out really well...
with the scars easy to pain on.
And, thanks to a friend at work we were able to put her 'special' gun on her. You'll learn more about all of that in future stories.
I may add this as a Kickstarter Add-on to try an help hit the target. If I do I'll sign it of course. That said it took a while to paint and would be a challenge to do one that comes out so well.
A challenge.

Good Lords!

This month we treated one of our D&D Gang to a day at Lords (and a hotel and curry the night before of course) as part of his 60th Birthday present.

I arrived separately, and as I don't tend to go to sporting events with the gang I was the final surprise.

Chatting to Shaun he admitted that he'd seen me approaching and thought to himself, 'Hey, they bloke looks a lot like Dave West'.

As we walked around the inside of the grounds (not on the grass of course) I heard a lot of people talking about this being James Anderson's last Test Match and he apparently is a pretty decent fast bowler. I already knew all of this of course as I'd been speaking to a work mate and had all the statistics to hand. I didn't fool the gang for long though, they know me too well.
We had a pretty decent seat, up in the top tier, and whilst it threatened to rain, it seemed to hold off. I was ready though and was wearing the only hat I have really that is suited to sunshine and rain.
I did try on an alternative, offered by Gary (pictured with me below) but I just didn't feel that I could carry it off.
The rain held off and we enjoyed some really exciting innings, and I got to see James Anderson take a wicket (I'll have to see if it was his last (there is another innings)).
The Birthday boy enjoyed his surprise day out...
Oh...wrong picture..
and I must say, had a more fitting hat (in all ways).
Great fun.